Silk Stoles

Stoles for Pastors

I like to use seasonal images from nature on stoles for pastors as a way to lift creation into our religious rites and rituals. If you’d like to commission a stole, contact me at

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7 Replies to “Silk Stoles”

  1. Kristen — Am wondering about your Lindisfarne Celtic knot stole…what would such a beautiful piece cost? I first saw it on the Lenten Return site…and fell in love with it…and have then found your site and have fallen in love with so many other of your beautiful pieces! Blessings on your heart, mind and hands, /sm

  2. Kristen, I recently received a stole you created for me, via Dana and Kirk Shaffer and the Boy Scouts of Troop 641 in Arlington, VA, and it is simply magnificent! It is filled with light and touchstones of memory from my many years of service among the Scouts, and is centered around a great eagle soaring spread-winged over the mountains. It was a wonderful surprise that I keep in full view in my study all the time. I will be honored to wear it, and to remember their generosity every time I bring it out…. and be grateful for your gifts, too! Thank you for the wonderful, gracious, artistic touch that you’ve shared with me, and via your website, I see also a great many others!

    1. Thanks Dr. Earley. I am so glad you like the stole, and especially that it reminds you of all your years of service to the Scouts. It was a pleasure to make and I’m glad it is doing its job both when you wear it, and also as you view it in your office. Peace, Kristen

  3. How much do you charge for the Celtic Green Stole? The priest got my daughter’s wedding would like one like that for 10/20, but my be out of my budget. Your work is beautiful

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